16"x20", oil on canvas - in progress
I wish I'd had the presence of mind to hold off on the turquoise lines until the ground was dry. I started with tinting the canvas in a green mixed from cadmium lemon and French ultramarine, without any white. I mixed a handful of blues and teals into the other color, which appeared more like a bright light blue on my palette. I'm fascinated by the way it seems to glow against the green, but unfortunately as I applied it, it mixed in with that green and changed a lot.
I've put this painting aside to dry a bit so that I can go back in with more opaque layers of the turquoise. I'm not sure if I will make the green more opaque - in some ways I quite like the lightness and uneven surface of the tinting, but I also realize that having such an airy background forces the space in a limited way which could be avoided with equal coverages. I'll have to see how it looks in a few days.
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