Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day Thirty-Four

9"x12", marker on paper

Sometimes you just have to play with a lot of colors.

I found an old art kit that I'd had as a child with all these gorgeous markers in it - and astonishingly, they still worked really well. I got into that childlike set of mind and just went with it, picking and applying colors capriciously.

I worked on this piece upside-down from how it is now, but when I was hanging it to photograph, I realized how much more I liked it this way. I noticed that this happens often with my abstract pieces - when my professor takes them off a table or from a stack to look at them, she tends to always look at them upside-down from how I made them... and they usually look better. Something to think about.

(This entry was back-posted on 2/10/07).

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